Moodle Feedback

Joanna – Charlie
Hi Brooke,
Very delayed but I did say I’d send an update on Charlie.
Here are a couple of pictures. She is the most beautiful and good natured dog, with a dose of cheekiness too!
I was so curious how I’d go getting a second dog because I love Bruno (my first) so much but my goodness I absolutely love Charlie! Thanks for giving her such a great start to life! Hope you have a lovely Christmas,

Alison Hackett
Hi Brooke,
Well it’s been 3 weeks so thought I’d send you some pictures because he’s certainly fluffier and I think has grown! The boys are loving him. I think he thinks Jacob is one of the litter as he seems to target him a bit more with the puppy biting but he is learning. He seems pretty smart – a poodle trait? He desperately wants to be friends with Barney but has backed off a little knowing he might get growled at – Barney is now tolerating sitting near him so small steps.
He started puppy school last week and was beautifully calm and well behaved whilst those Labrador puppies yelped and barked for an hour.
Oh we have named him Teddy
Alison Hackett

Andrea – Riley
Hi Brooke, All is well!
Julie had her second round of vaccinations on Wednesday and she didn’t cry. Mum said she loved the vet and wasn’t scared. Mum has her booked in for puppy school at the end of the month along with her first hair cut.
Mum says she is super affectionate and loves everyone. She spends her days outside in mums little yard and stays out of mischief, and is VERY excited when mum gets home. She sleeps inside mums room with her on her little bed.

Terence (Terry) Graham
Chloe has just had her 3rd vaccination (C7) and has just graduated puppy school as of 15th August. Vet has given her a fine health assessment.
Chloe is expected to have a minor grooming cut today, to free up hair around face, at her feet, and her backside. Groomer will do a full grooming when she reaches full grown, and adult hair. (As you see from her graduation photo attached, hair cut of her eyebrows is needed).
Kind Regards,
Terence (Terry) Graham

Karen Moy
Hi, sorry for taking so long with the photos BUTas you know they are not easy to get.
He is the joy of our family along with our children and grandchildren of course.
I never thought i would be so attached to a dog BUT OMGoodness i am the converted. I believe every woman going through Menopause or empty Nest syndrome needs a Little Milton to cuddle, love and to bitch to as he never takes offence or sulks and more importantly he doesn’t answer back trying to defend himself he just makes my heart melt.
Karen Moy

Olivia Kaires and Family
Hi Steven, Donna & Brooke!
We purchased our gorgeous Moodle puppy off you a year ago and wanted to give an update on how she was doing.
We called her Ivy and all just absolutely love her to pieces, she has the best personality. She was even able to melt Dad’s heart – who wasn’t too keen on the whole dog idea to begin with – and he’s now her favourite! She’s 100% got us wrapped around her tiny little paw.
Her coat is now predominantly white with an apricot stripe down her back. She is 25cm tall at the shoulder and barely tips the scales at just 3kg!
She never cried – not even the first night we brought her home. She absolutely loves tennis balls and going for walks and fetch is her favourite thing to play. She and our rabbit are the epitome of the sibling relationship – best friends one day, enemies the next depending on their moods.
She’s also very clever which sometimes can lead to some minor mischief! She knows how to sit, lie down, rollover and shake – all without puppy preschool. She’s beyond spoilt and knows and loves it – when’s she’s freshly washed she even makes it into our beds to sleep.
Thank you so much for providing us with the perfect addition to our family – we don’t know what we’d do without her!
Olivia Kaires and Family