Hi Steven & Donna,
Just wanted to let you know how Winston (Boris) Murray is going. We travelled from Tamworth to Bathurst to pick up our little furry friend whowas born 1st June, 2009.
He is the distinguished little man that his name suggests and settled in very quickly to his 5 acre home which he shares with his female dog friend, Scrappy as well as the native wildlife of kangaroos, possums and lizards. He likes to bark at most of them on moonlit nights and we have sometimes thought he is a Rottweiler in disguise although he has been known to jump like a rabbit through the gardens when helping his Dad. His personality DEFINITELY is greater than his size and he has a cheeky streak about him but not naughty, always fun. When he was little he would tip the peg bucket over, take off
with your socks out of the clothes basket or just hide things that you placed down for 5 seconds. Of course they always came back and he would be sitting there wagging his tail! Harmoniously Winston spends most of his days wandering the gardens, laying about the decking (on his back… the only way he sleeps), walking down the driveway to meet the girls off the bus or just randomly rolling over in front of you with those big eyes suggesting, “Belly rub?”
He runs to the gate to meet you if you’ve been out & loves a good pat, scratch or doggy massage. Although he is an outdoors dog, any chance he can he’ll sneak in the door & hide under the lounge. In Summer, he gets his crew cut as he likes to frolic in the grass and comes back covered in burs and farmer’s friends.
He loves a good bath and has always been very cuddly since the day we got him, placing his head on your heart and snuggling.
Thank you for the wonderful little edition to our family. Winston came along after we lost our beloved 12 year old Moodle, Thomas. Moodles are absolutely beautiful pets in both temperament and personality. Country Puppies are just the best!
Andrew, Nikki, Lauren & Ashleigh
August 08
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