Hi Guys….
Mel and I just wanted to update you both with Hercules progress. He is now 6 months old and is a wonderful member to our family. He is very intelligent and communicates very well. We have had many dogs through our lives but never one so smart !! He is a complete joy, but a bit of a mommies boy, very placid in nature, loves everyone, still getting him used to other dogs and fully trained now.
He loves to ride in the car and on the back of our motorbike with his own Doggie Palace that sits on the back of our touring bike. He even has his own leather jacket.
We believe he is now fully grown, about 30cm in length, just the right size for us.
We have attached a few pictures of him for you.
Thank you for all your help with the purchasing process.
Kind regards,
Jason and Mel Wright
March 2012
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